Mythbuster 👊: Fatigue vs Endurance [CAE Compass - Newsletter 📩]

🧭 CAE Compass

Edition #20

Imagine your favorite pair of sneakers. 👟

You wear them every day, and they’re your trusty sidekicks. They’re durable, and you think they can handle just about anything - until you find that hole in the sole, and you realize, “Whoa, they’re not invincible!”

A lot of people mix up fatigue and endurance. But after reading this edition, you'll clear up the confusion and live happily ever after.

Let's break it down!

Picture your sneakers getting holes after miles and miles of running. They’re not breaking down in one big leap; it’s the repeated pounding that does them in.

In engineering, fatigue is the slow creep of failure when a material is subjected to repeated loads over time.

It's the process where materials slowly lose their strength because of repeated stress.

Then what about Endurance?

Endurance is like your ability to run a marathon. In other words, how long you can keep going before you need a break.

In technical terms, it is the ability of a material to withstand stress without failing for an extended period.

Real world example:

Airplane wings undergo fatigue testing where engineers repeatedly bend and twist metal components to simulate the stresses of flight, ensuring they can withstand repeated use without cracking.

Similarly, bridges are put through endurance testing by monitoring how they handle long-term loads and weather conditions over years.

This helps ensure the bridge remains safe and functional for decades, much like how you’d want your sneakers to endure marathon after marathon without falling apart.

Remember, fatigue is the erosion of strength from repeated stress while endurance is the material’s ability to keep going strong over time.

I hope this clears up any brain fog!

If you’ve got more questions or feedback, don’t be shy -just reply to this email and we’ll sort it out together.

See you soon


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