🧠CAE Compass Edition # 26 Imagine you're having a great day. The sun is shining, you’re feeling flexible and happy, ready to take on whatever life throws at you. But suddenly, the temperature drops, and you turn stiff. Sounds dramatic, right? Well, this is exactly what happened to the infamous ship and the root cause was found 40 years later! And still, she doesn't know the root cause 😑 Like people, materials also behave differently depending on the temperature. At room temperature, steel is...
🧠CAE Compass Edition # 24 In the previous edition, we explored what are composite materials and their applications. This time we will look at the basic structure of composites, how they are modeled in CAE and some resources for further learning. Let’s go back to the definition! A composite material is simply two different materials combined to make something better. When you mix them, you get a material that’s extra strong, super light and even resistant to electricity! They’re used instead...
🧠CAE Compass Edition # 23 Imagine your favorite superhero team -each hero brings a unique power. One might fly, another has super strength, and a third can control the weather. Individually, they’re amazing, but when they team up, they’re unstoppable! That’s exactly what composite materials are. In this edition of CAE Compass, let's understand the nature of composites, their properties and some applications. Members of the Composite team Meet the Members: In every composite, there are...