Material Failures - What Movies Don't Tell You [CAE Compass- Newsletter 📩]

🧭 CAE Compass

Edition # 26

Imagine you're having a great day. The sun is shining, you’re feeling flexible and happy, ready to take on whatever life throws at you.

But suddenly, the temperature drops, and you turn stiff. Sounds dramatic, right? Well, this is exactly what happened to the infamous ship and the root cause was found 40 years later!

Like people, materials also behave differently depending on the temperature. At room temperature, steel is usually ductile, meaning it’s flexible and can bend or stretch a little before breaking.

But when temperatures drop very low, steel can suddenly become brittle, losing its flexibility and shattering like a cookie dropped on a cold tile floor. This shift in behavior is called the ductile to brittle transition.

What Happened to the Titanic?

The Titanic, one of the largest ships of its time, sank on April 15, 1912, after crashing into an iceberg in freezing North Atlantic waters. (and well, which is showed in the movie!)

While the impact of the iceberg was massive, the real villain here was the steel’s low-temperature behavior.

At those freezing temperatures, the steel used to build the ship underwent the ductile to brittle transition.

Normally, steel would absorb some of the impact by bending (ductility), but in the cold, it became brittle and cracked easily.

The Titanic's steel turned into a stiff robot when it got too cold, and that iceberg was like an unkind push that broke it apart.

This tragedy teaches us an important lesson: Whether you’re designing a ship or just baking cookies on a cold day—temperature matters!

Today, engineers study this transition carefully when designing ships, planes, and bridges for cold environments. They make sure materials can handle the chill without turning into fragile cookies.


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